Co-ed Lacrosse is provided for Grades K-6.
Grades 3rd-6th will participate in the Central Ohio Youth Lacrosse League (COYLL) against other lacrosse communities in the region. Games will be played at both home and away sites on Sunday afternoons.
Coach Registration: December
Player Registration: January
Practices Begin: Late February
Games Begin: April 2
Season Ends: Mid May
Why play lacrosse? The sport of lacrosse combines some of the best elements of soccer, basketball, hockey and football into a high-energy, team-oriented sport. Lacrosse combines stick skills, running, some age-appropriate contact - there is very little standing around during a lacrosse game where every player on the field is highly engaged and changes in possession can happen quickly. This creates a high pace sport which is equally fun for kids playing and for parents watching. Lacrosse was first played by several indigenous nations most notably by the Haudenosaunee, more commonly known as the Iroquois. It is the oldest sport in North America dating back to the 1100’s and the roots and traditions of the game are ingrained into today’s version of the game. The sport is growing faster than any other sport with new programs continuing to pop up from the youth level to the collegiate. If you want to play a fun, fast-paced and rewarding sport, lacrosse is for you!
Check out the skill, speed and creativity of lacrosse here - https://youtu.be/G3OaYOAe1xU?t=7
**Coaches Needed
We are seeking coaches for all levels. Please consider signing up to be a coach during registration. Coaching is a very rewarding volunteer role and a great way to give back to your community. Coaches will be involved with setting their practice plans with assistance from our Lacrosse Commissioner Joe Malone. Recognizing that most coaches will be new to the game Joe will conduct a pre-season coaching clinic / meeting and share helpful coaching materials to help plan your seasons. Joe will also be attending all practice sessions to help with day-to-day activities. Please reach out to Joe Malone or Greg Pearce ((614) 837-9380 or lacrosse@cwrecreation.com) with any questions or interest in coaching.